Mudras for Generosity, Energy, and Wisdom
In classes we occasionally work with simple hand mudras, and these video snips demonstrate a few of my go-to’s. Mudra translates as “seal” or “stamp,” essentially a hand gesture. Mudras have been used for thousands of years as tools for engaging, freeing, and directing energy. Considering how, across cultures (think hula for example), humans communicate with their hands, it is perhaps not surprising that mudras evolved as a sort of communication tool for the subtle body. These three are simple and lovely to incorporate into your asana practice. Practice them consciously, then notice how they might arise spontaneously.
Pushpaputa Mudra: the “handful of flowers” — this is a gesture of generous offering, an open heart, and acceptance.
Garuda Mudra: Eagle or Spirit Bird — this is a seal evoking controlled energy, enlivening yet maintaining balance.
Gyan Mudra: the seal of wisdom — commonly seen in meditation posture, this mudra improves concentration and focus, leading to clear insight. I show here an option for a “double loop” of the fingers.